Frank E. Stevenson II
About Frank
Frank Stevenson's journey began as a country-western disc jockey at KJIM "Redneck Radio" due to a fortuitous opportunity when the scheduled DJ didn't show up. His captivating performance led to a permanent job offer from the impressed station manager. Though a summer job, Frank's aspirations took him back to college for his undergraduate studies. Despite the manager's skepticism about college being for everyone, Frank persisted.
J.D., University of Virginia School of Law, 1980
B.A., magna cum laude, Amherst College, 1977
State Bar of Texas
President (2016-2017)
Board of Directors, (2010-2014;2015-2018)
Chair (2012-2013)
Western States Bar Conference
President (2021-Present)
Dallas Bar Association
President (2008)
Board of Directors (1999-2013)
Chair (2004)
Dallas Bar Foundation
Chair (2017)
Board of Trustees (2007-2017)
Sustaining Life Fellow
DBA Committee to Finalize Statement on Minority Hiring, Retention, and Advancement (1993)
Member, Commission to Expand Civil Legal Services (appointed by Texas Supreme Court) 2016-2017
Chair and Co-founder, DBA Transition to Law Practice Program (2007-2008)
Chairman and Founder, DBA Summer Law Intern Program (Minority Legal Intern Program) (1993-1997)
Co-Founder, Texas Opportunity & Justice Incubator (TOJI), a nationally recognized legal incubator training lawyers for modest-means practices (2015-2018)
Co-Director of DBA’s Evening Ethics Program (2010-present)
Board of Directors, Sammons Center for the Arts (2010-2016); President (2014-2016)
Board of Directors, North Dallas Chamber of Commerce (2007-Present)
Associate Member, Dallas Citizens Council (2008-Present)
Committee for a Qualified Judiciary (2018-Present)
Board of Trustees, Grace Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (USA) (2019-Present)
Named, The Best Lawyers in America®, Litigation - Securities (2022-2023)
Named, Best Lawyers in Dallas, D Magazine, 2017-2023
Recipient, Morris Harrel Professionalism Award, Dallas Bar Association (2019)
Recipient, Presidential Citation, State Bar of Texas (2013)
Recipient, National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (2017)
Recipient, Pro Bono Appreciation Award, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas (2008)
Recipient, Equal Justice Award, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas (2005)
Recipient, Mooreland Outstanding Committee Chair Award, Dallas Bar Association (1996)